Friday, March 13, 2009


Finally here we are...again!!! Doing things that no one else has done. At least in SCMS history to be sure.  For the first time we have a place where students (9 in my list) from SCMS bath coming together on a blog sharing their thoughts with each other and with the world...of ourse the idea might be really apealing for many and might sound bizare and stupid for many more others...what the hell are mobile phones for dude...remember peeps we are not talking to them neither are we writing for them...we are writing and blogging for each other. 

Question no-2. Why on earth Cloud Painters? See initially i thought of putting Aventure....ding ding ding...does that ring any bells...yeah the fest that we had dreamt off...but it turned out that the name was not available...usual things that happens with i thought of this name...after all while we were at the plae this what we used to do...we were painting dreams...things like films, ativities, things like the record...Anu, Vineesh and me had planned a magazine as well but were scared away by the all in all we used make skyscrapers...and today we have made it a PR or in i thought of putting this name....

Now the rules...well there are no rules...write whatever you want...but write....only thing make sure the things that we write are not outright offensive to anyone...thats the only are welome to club your own blogs with this with yours....any way you wish....

so thats it for now...i reated what is a skelton...put in the flesh with your comments...and blow in the life giving air with the comments....happy blogging...